
There certainly has been a lot of buzz floating around lately about the healthcare stimulus. With so much information being written, many hospitals and medical practices find themselves questioning what’s important and what’s not. That’s why it is sometimes helpful to get your questions answered by the experts and attend seminars that cut through the buzz and get straight to the point, like the Heathcare Stimulus 101 event.

Our very own Janine Akers has been invited by the League of Healthcare Experts to speak at their seminar happening on Friday, May 13, 2011. Janine will be covering the subjects of Release of Information (ROI) and Meaningful Use. Her experiences with eROI processes in conjunction with her deep knowledge of Meaningful Use standards make her a sought-after expert in the field. Topics Janine will cover during the presentation include:

  • The true cost-benefit analysis of outsourcing Release of Information requests…both the labor overhead considerations as well as risk assessment of potential breaches
  • Meeting Meaningful Use Core Measure 12 of 15 – without any extra work on your part
  • Deciphering the differences of Measures 12 of 15, 13 of 15 and Menu Set 5 of 10
  • Smart, easy workflow improvements using your existing staff, your EMR software and ScanSTAT

The free seminar will be hosted at the Lodge at Des Peres from 7:30-10:30am. Other topics covered include HITECH updates, Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) and more. To entice those that are not “early risers” to attend, the event also includes a delicious breakfast. To register online or get more details, visit their website.

Janine has hosted several webinars in the past few months on these topics. To learn more about them, to view the recorded webinars, or get your questions answered, contact Janine directly.

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