


Meaningful Use measures have ushered in a new sense of urgency to get the most out of your e-MDs EMR/EHR software. However, there is a constant need for education to ensure fulfillment of the Meaningful Use Core Measures and compliance with HHS/CMS guidelines. This educational webinar featuring thought leader Janine Akers of ScanSTAT Technologies helps illuminate the subject of “Medical Records and Meaningful Use,” including how ScanSTAT’s Electronic Release of Information solution enables you to “check the box” on Core Measure 12 of 15.As with any new guidelines, there is much confusion among the three measures relating to patient information.There is a misconception that the Patient Portal is going to satisfy all three measures (Core Measures 12 of 15 and 13 of 15; and Menu Set Measure 5 of 10). This idea is NOT necessarily true. Patient Portal (Menu Set Measure 5 of 10) and Clinical Summary (Measure 13 of 15) are different access points for your patients and different measures for you to report.This webinar will cover the differences in these closely related measures and how you can fulfill Meaningful Use Core Measure 12 of 15 by using ScanSTAT Technologies for your release of information requests.

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